Hi there! My name is Alice. This site is dedicated towards my ramblings about a variety of topics, but I figure I should talk a little bit about myself! Here are some things that you should know about me. :)
- I am trans, currently identifying mostly with the labels of "demigirl" and "agender". I like to be referred to with fae/faer or they/them, but I strongly prefer the former.
- I am working towards a degree in computer science. I consider this a way to get to where I'm able to be financially stable (because unfortunately, I do have to work to live somehow in current times) and develop my own personal projects, which will exist at sourcehut in the future (with a major emphasis on Linux utilities and programming language projects).
- I am learning toki pona! You can find me occasionally at the ma pona pi toki pona Discord.
- Finally, I am a communist. This does not mean I am a traditional Marxist, though; I take inspiration from a variety of economic, philosophical, and sociological angles and integrate them into my analysis in order to analyize/critique both my current beliefs and the societal reality we live in today. Fundamentally, this blog is made for these types of topics over anything else.
If you would like to contact or support me for some reason, I wander around in the following locations:
- If you feel the urge to throw money at me, you can donate here. All donations will go towards living expenses, and this link will change to donation pages for strike funds once I am on my feet.
- I do not really exist on most popular social media because they are where good things do to die, but I'm on Twitter at @lassc_. Please keep in mind that I post nothing revolving around the content here over there, and as such it would not be the best place to go for anything economic/philosophical/political/sociological.
- Over at Discord (which I hope to leave as soon as possible), I use the tag alice!#8429. Keep in mind that if you friend request me, I may not accept it (right away). I am very busy with school, and Discord tends to be infested with bigots.
- Eventually, you will be able to email me at alice@lassc.net if you have any questions or feedback about this site!